Free cash withdrawals worldwide – no fees in the first year In cooperation with BW-Bank and Visa, PAYBACK is introducing a new credit card that is aimed at a wide target audience and features…
Companies and customers donate PAYBACK points for schools in Africa On Monday evening, actor and Unicef patron Joachim “Blacky” Fuchsberger accepted a cheque for EUR 2 million on behalf of Unicef from…
AYBACK members can now also collect points by purchasing downloads from iTunes, receiving 2 points for each euro they spend. To collect points, all users need to do is access the iTunes Store via…
Award for consistent customer focus – Special “Control” prize for ensuring high-quality services Loyalty Partner GmbH, expert in customer management and operator of the PAYBACK bonus programme, has…
Nominated in the category “Growth Strategy of the Year” Loyalty Partner GmbH, experts for innovative customer loyalty and operator of the PAYBACK loyalty programme, has been nominated as one of ten…
Customer loyalty highest with Miles & More, Payback and Douglas Latest study on bonus programmes in Germany The results of a recent TNS Emnid survey on cards and customer cards in Germany showed that…
PAYBACK, Germany’s largest bonus program, is continuing to expand its range of partners and will be entering into a cooperation agreement with the directory assistance service, telegate as of 16…
Since July 1, 2006, Dr. Marcus Rodermann (39) is responsible for PAYBACK’s strategic product management at Loyalty Partner GmbH in his role as section manager. This newly created position covers…
As of May 2 at Aral service stations: Collect points for filling up, shopping and car washes – Aral joins Germany’s largest bonus program – already 30 million cards in circulation As of May 2, 2006,…