The PAYBACK Group lives affiliation and integration in various forms


The PAYBACK GROUP has not only been named a "Top Employer" for 16 years in a row, but has also been voted one of the best employers for women in Germany by women's magazine BRIGITTE three times since 2019, with 5 out of 5 possible stars. In addition, we want to become even more diverse and open to internationality as well as different social groups and develop our company further together.

Diverse worlds bring value to our environment – and we embrace those worlds to the fullest

50 %

of all colleagues in the
PAYBACK GROUP are female

40 Jahre

is the average age 
of all colleagues

30 %

of all colleagues in the 
Tech/Product/Data area are women


different nationalities
are in the company

40 %

of all managers at the 

20 %

of all colleagues have 
an international background

In the office

Bei uns wird jede Person als Individuum akzeptiert und wertgeschätzt.

Inclusion & Diversity Board
Four female executives are committed to even greater equality and diversity in the company.

Inclusion & Diversity Ambassadors:
The I&D Ambassadors are the central contact persons for feedback, suggestions, new ideas or questions regarding our inclusion & diversity activities.

[Obacht!] Unconscious Bias Initiative:
In order to promote a diverse and heterogeneous workforce, the PAYBACK GROUP encourages all colleagues to actively address their own "Unconscious Bias".

Among other things, the PAYBACK GROUP offers the following training courses in relation to equality:
Employers for Equality (E4E) seminars
Leadership Trainings for Diversity and Inclusion

Social Days:
The PAYBACK GROUP supports local initiatives such as Lichtblick Hasenbergl, LichtBlick Seniorenhilfe, Stiftung Pfennigparade, Munich animal shelter and many more, not only financially but also through personal involvement, by allowing all colleagues to take an additional "Social Day" for community work.

Fundraising events:
In March 2022, around 800,000 euros in points were donated to Ukraine in the PAYBACK donation world.
In total, over eight million euros have already been donated within the PAYBACK donation world.
Every year, Christmas presents are donated to the children at Lichtblick Hasenbergl and the senior citizens at LichtBlick Seniorenhilfe.

Within society

Gaming afternoon with the senior citizens from LichtBlick Seniorenhilfe in our PAYBACK GROUP ESSZIMMER.