BRIGITTE honors PAYBACK as one of the "Best Modern Work Company"

The PAYBACK GROUP has once again been recognized as an employer: The latest "Modern Work Study" by women's magazine BRIGITTE examined how work is becoming more life-oriented and people-friendly and which companies are already implementing this.
The personnel marketing agency Embrace and a BRIGITTE expert advisory board not only analyzed the career opportunities for women and the measures for flexibility and work-life balance, but also examined how much the companies strive for sustainability or co-determination and how open they are to new ideas such as agile working or job rotation.

"We are delighted with this great result for PAYBACK. The award is a wonderful and important confirmation of our commitment to offering women great career opportunities as a data & tech company," says Manuela Ortiz, Head of Talent Acquisition at the PAYBACK GROUP. 145 companies were examined in the employer study. As part of the "Modern Work" study, measures were surveyed in five areas: compatibility and flexibility, equality and diversity, empowerment, corporate culture and structure, and career advancement.

The PAYBACK GROUP is an award-winning employer - also and especially for women - and has already received the highest score as an "employer with top career opportunities for women". It has also been honored with the Women's Career Index (FKI) for its measures to promote women and inclusion & diversity. PAYBACK is a multiple "Top Employer".